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The Bad News and the Good News!

First the bad news--

Several weeks ago I drained all the water out of the 500-gallon tank that supplies our waterfall. My intention was to replace the water and eliminate the stagnant pond smell that has slowly been developing. Without knowing the tank was empty, Brentz turned on the power to the pump. Three hours later she realized the waterfall wasn't working. Uh oh. We feared that between the two of us we had burned out the pump. So we filled the tank enough to test the pump and--bad news--no water fall. We were sick about it, called the landscaper who built the water fall and he agreed that the pump was likely dead.

Now the good news--

Yesterday, after about an hour of monkeying around I managed to retrieve the pump from the bottom of the tank. I wanted to see what the pump specs were so that we could look for a replacement. It was slightly encouraging to hear it hum when I gave it some power. It was even more encouraging to see the impeller spinning. Was it working or just feebly going through the motions? I shut off the power, placed the pump in a 5-gallon bucket of water, turned on the power and was thrilled by the geyser that shot ten feet in the air. The next logical step was to reinstall the pump in the bottom of the tank, hook it up, put 100-200 gallons of water in and see what happened. The picture below was taken shortly thereafter. I have no idea why but now it works.